BC Parks Foundation
This is a critical decade to address issues like climate change and biodiversity loss. Thank you to our dynamic, innovative, and diverse support community for making a direct impact by protecting beautiful places, providing opportunities for people to connect to nature, improving human and ecosystem health, and increasing stewardship of wildlife.
BC's iconic parks are the original nature, with a legendary brand and good will around the globe. Would you like to be a part of creating the greatest parks system in the world? You can join other proud supporters through sponsorships, charitable giving, in-kind and pro-bono services, cause-marketing initiatives, events, and other collaborations. Learn more, or get in touch with your ideas, by emailing us today at partnerships@bcparksfoundation.ca.
Peak Partners
Mountaineer Partners
Basecamp Partners
Trailhead Partners
Expedition Partners
Park Partners
“In 2015 I bought myself a camera and decided to get out in the wilderness away from cell/internet range. As I slowed down and watched and listened, a whole new world appeared. The wilderness and its wild animals had many lessons for me. Nature nourishes and teaches us patience. Nothing in nature is rushed. It is divine timing: everything happens when it’s time.