BC Parks Foundation
Healthy By Nature
Increasing access to the health benefits of nature
Experience the Healing Power of Nature
A growing body of scientific evidence confirms that when you interact with nature, you can become healthier and more productive.
We want to make sure all British Columbians have the opportunity to experience parks and their healing power.
Doctors recommend spending a minimum of 2 hours a week outside. Through our Healthy By Nature initiative, you can access tips and information about the healing power of nature.
Learning by Nature
Connecting to nature has proven to make kids smarter and healthier. The Learning by Nature initiative will ensure that youth and communities have equitable access to nature spaces for their health and education through scaling nature-based solutions on school grounds.
Learn more about the outcomes from the Learning by Nature meeting where we were joined by leaders in the fields of health, nature, and education to connect and learn from each other and expert panelists from around the world.
Get a Nature Prescription
Through Park Prescriptions, we are working with healthcare professionals to prescribe time in nature to those who need it most. Featuring practical resources like quick tips and patient handouts, its goal is to make prescribing time in nature straightforward and effective. Each prescriber who registers with PaRx will receive a nature prescription file customized with a unique provider code, and instructions for how to prescribe and log nature prescriptions. If you are a health care professional or would like more information about Park Prescriptions: www.parkprescriptions.ca
Thank you to our Healthy By Nature program partners:
See below for more information on current projects.
“When I get beneath the surface of things, these are not moments of mystery, they are moments of extraordinary clarity. Everything has the energy of its making inside it.