BC Parks Foundation
Appreciating a BC Parks Foundation Champion
June 13, 2024Appreciating a BC Parks Foundation Champion BC Parks Foundation supporters span the globe, but few travel the globe as extensively...Continue reading… -
Women Making History in Nature: Yenny Yao
April 10, 2024Women Making History in Nature: Yenny Yao Yenny Yao's journey with Kamloops Immigrant Services (KIS) began in 2016 as a client. New to Canada,...Continue reading… -
Saving Parks and Saving Lives
January 25, 2022How Bob Pettit’s love of nature and desire to fight cancer led him to BC’s parks and wild places If we asked you to name the most remarkable and interesting people you know, who would choose? On our...Continue reading… -
Meet the Team
July 9, 2021This month, we are featuring our fantastic team and getting to know them a little bit more. Read on to learn about all the people who work so hard here at the BC Parks Foundation answering your emails, your calls, and...Continue reading… -
Enhancing Experiences and Reducing Impacts
January 12, 2021Guest Author, Martin Ryer @martin_ryer Have you ever been stranded on an island before? To some, that might...Continue reading… -
Leaving things better than you found them: a way of life.
August 14, 2020At the end of July, I went to the Juan de Fuca trail with an old friend and eight teenagers. Some of them had never been camping or hiking long distance. We hiked 56kms along the...Continue reading… -
Donors Making a Difference: Creating a Legacy in Mount Robson Provincial Park
January 14, 2020Photo: Park supporter Graham Wetter hiking in the B.C. backcountry. Editor’s note: How will you leave your legacy? In this guest post, we hear from park supporter,...Continue reading… -
Donors Making a Difference: Gabriola Lions Club and the Drumbeg Park Access Road
January 2, 2020Photo: Gabriola Lions at the Drumbeg Provincial Park access road. [Left] Eric Boulton (seated on the tractor), Bob Rooks, Graham Miller, Guy Parcher, Dianne Cohen, Bernard Wohlleben &...Continue reading…
“In 2015 I bought myself a camera and decided to get out in the wilderness away from cell/internet range. As I slowed down and watched and listened, a whole new world appeared. The wilderness and its wild animals had many lessons for me. Nature nourishes and teaches us patience. Nothing in nature is rushed. It is divine timing: everything happens when it’s time.