BC Parks Foundation
Morrison Headwaters

Morrison Headwaters
Crowdfunding Goal Reached
Congratulations! You did it! The crowdfunding goal for protecting Morrison Headwaters has been successfully reached. In under 2 months, people in BC, and in particular the Comox Valley, as well as friends from abroad, contributed over $375,000 towards the area’s protection. We are now waiting on word from several grant applications to complete the overall funding required. The purchase will close in early April.
This is a huge success, with the story being featured in national news outlets including the Globe and Mail and CBC’s As It Happens. The collaboration between the BC Parks Foundation and Comox Valley Land Trust has been excellent, and we are both very grateful to you for your support. Thank you!!!
Andy Day
BC Parks Foundation
Tim Ennis
Comox Valley Land Trust
Wetland Magic
The 715-acre headwaters of the Morrison Creek watershed is a spectacular natural area, home to bears, cougars, and other wildlife, wild salmon, and species at risk - including one fish species found nowhere else in the world.
It is located in the territory of the K’omoks First Nation, who refer to the area as “qax mote” or “lots of medicine” in relation to the abundance and diversity of medicinal plants the area supports. The labyrinth of beaver-created wetlands, swamps and riparian areas are home for wildlife of all kinds.
However, this large and beautiful natural sanctuary is privately owned by a multi-national company and its current municipal zoning is for heavy industry.
To protect this phenomenal natural area, in partnership with the Comox Valley Land Trust, we have negotiated an agreement to purchase all 715-acres from the logging company. Together, we have raised most of the funds required. We have the opportunity to act now to complete the purchase and close the deal before the clock runs out.
Deadline: December 31st, 2022
Where is Morrison Headwaters?
Morrison headwaters is in within the K’omoks First Nation’s territory in the Comox Valley lowlands on Vancouver Island.
Chief and Council have provided their support to the Comox Valley Land Trust in bringing together a partnership to protect this critical area of their territory in its natural state.
Your Gift Secures Other Gifts
The Comox Valley Land Trust and BC Parks Foundation have raised cash and pledges for most of the funds required to protect this incredible area in perpetuity. Your contribution to the $375,000 remaining to be raised will secure these existing pledges.
To secure this incredible wildlife refugium in perpetuity will require strength in numbers. Your gift will make a difference as we work together to reach the finish line and protect this ecological jewel.
Why is Morrison Headwaters So Important?

- Morrison Creek is the only place on earth that supports the Endangered Morrison Creek Lamprey, an endemic fish species found nowhere else in the world. The headwaters area contains the vast majority of Critical Habitat for this species.
- Morrison Creek is the most productive salmon stream of its size anywhere on southeast Vancouver Island (according to DFO) and one that is entirely without hatchery support. The headwaters area provides the majority of spawning and rearing habitat for Coho in particular.
- Its unique spring-fed hydrology makes it resilient to climate change. Regardless of how long or pronounced summer droughts may be, Morrison Creek always flows with abundant, cold, spring-fed water.
- Morrison Headwaters supports an additional 13 species at risk including federally Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern species and provincially red and blue-listed species.
- All ecological communities that occur in the headwaters area are rare-listed (either blue or red) by the BC Conservation Data Centre.
- Populations of bear, cougar, deer, beaver, mink, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, bats, insects and occasionally elk and wolves live throughout the area free from human disturbances.
Landscape-Scale Conservation
The Morrison Creek headwaters conservation area is a major puzzle piece in a growing network of protected areas centered around the eastern portion of Comox Lake, the Puntledge River and the K’omoks estuary. Projects have secured thousands of acres in the area through coordinated and sustained efforts spanning decades.
Most recently, this has included the acquisition of:
- phase-1 in the Morrison headwaters area by the Comox Valley Land Trust and the Comox Valley Regional District
- the entire mainstem of Perseverance Creek spearheaded by the Cumberland Community Forest Society and the Village of Cumberland
- the Kus-kus-sum project in the K’omoks estuary lead by Project Watershed, the K’omoks First Nation and the City of Courtenay
Local governments and the K’omoks First Nation have been strong partners in achieving this landscape-scale conservation vision for a variety of reasons, including the protection of drinking water supply areas.

In 2019, proud British Columbians and friends around the world helped us raise $3million in 3 months to protect Princess Louisa Inlet. That incredible story went viral around the world because people like you – from all walks of life - came together to do something great.
That inspired the idea that every year, park angels would all work together to protect special places, keeping BC beautiful, forever. To that end, we have now launched a "25x25" expedition to protect 25 beautiful places by 2025, helping Canada meet its international commitment to protect 25% of land and sea by 2025.
We are kicking off our 25x25 campaign with Morrison Headwaters. Join proud British Columbians in making a lasting impact, and inspiring the world.
Be a part of protecting the Morrison Headwaters by donating today.
Protect, Now | Enjoy, Forever
Questions about this campaign?
Phone: 604-343-3975 ext. 101
Email: gifts@bcparksfoundation.ca
Once we complete the purchase of the land, we will issue charitable tax receipts for all donations of $20 and over, which can be used to claim charitable tax credits - the more you donate the more you can save! Any excess funds raised will be used to create a Stewardship Fund for long term maintenance of this property or on our next Parks Bank initiative.
Photography Credit: © Comox Valley Land Trust
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.